Sourdough seedy crackers

Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! I’m sure by now you’ve all figured out what you’re making for side dishes, desserts, bread, and turkey (or some other option), but I hadn’t thought about appetizers until last night. Maybe I’m the only one that forgets stuff like this. This is our first Thanksgiving in our own home, so it was enough for me to think about the stars of the show. So to be prepared for the pre-feast hangries, I whipped up some of my favorite super healthy, super filling, super tasty crackers and have some cheese ready. 



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sides, snacks, vegan, vegetarian | November 25, 2015 | By

Sourdough Whole Wheat Pancakes

I have a sweet-tooth of a husband who loves his pancakes, waffles, French toast and German pancakes, but I’m not a big sweet breakfast girl and therefore rarely make them. So on occasion, my sweetheart gets up in the morning before me, lets me sleep in (bless him for that), and makes a massive batch of (really spectacularly delicious, and that’s saying a lot coming from me) good old fashioned white pancakes and he and the kids load them with butter and syrup and I feel groggy after one or two. So I’ve been stewing. There’s gotta be a better way. I needed to learn to make a healthy pancake that was actually healthy.



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bread, breakfast, meatless, vegetarian | November 12, 2015 | By

Beginner’s Rustic Sourdough Loaf

As promised, here is my beginner’s recipe for sourdough bread. It’s gloriously simple, has 4 ingredients (including water and salt, which barely count as ingredients), and has a very impressive result with minimal work. It’s easy enough for a beginner, but beautiful and delicious enough for anyone.



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bread, sides, vegan, vegetarian | November 7, 2015 | By

Pumpkin Coconut Curry

Last time I showed you how to make your pumpkin purée, which will work wonderfully in your usual pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin muffins. But today I’m going to show you a completely different way to use it that is super delicious and also super simple. And completely from scratch.



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Homemade Pumpkin Purée

I was never a fan of winter squash growing up. I can’t really explain why. But 2 years ago, I was asked by a friend to teach a little class on pumpkin recipes for a group of women at my church, and I was apprehensive but accepted the challenge. I hadn’t really considered that there was a whole lot more to those Autumnal flavors than pumpkin pie and overly brown-sugared butternut squash. But as I researched and experimented, I discovered a whole world of varieties and flavors beyond the tried and true cinnamon, clove, ginger, and nutmeg combo and was completely smitten.



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Loaded Salsa

I started college in the Summer, and for that term I was in a dorm with 5 other girls. There were 3 bedrooms, a big bathroom with multiple showers, and a little kitchen. We all got along really well, stayed up super late every night playing beach volleyball, and ate a lot of food. In fact, I’m pretty sure I gained the dreaded freshman 15 in that short Summer. And I’d like to give full credit/blame to my super cute roomate from Mexico. 



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